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Wednesday, August 24, 2011
About renamed streets and job descriptions 1940
Andreas writes for the first time from training camp 19 October 1941
Andreas was drafted into a reservist unit on the 1st of October 1941. His training area was in Frankstadt, in Moravia, now in the eastern part of the Czech Republic. As the eldest, he was the first to go.
19 October 1941
Dear Marie
Firstly 1000 thanks for your lovely letter, which gave me great pleasure to receive. Please accept my apologies for not answering you until now, but other than Saturdays and Sundays I have no time to write.
You will be able to imagine just how much I appreciate every package sent to me. I especially enjoyed the condensed milk, which I am consuming in tiny amounts to prolong the experience. It’s just occurred to me, that in my hurry to depart I completely forgot the acacia honey. I will appreciate it all the more when I come home on leave. When that will be is not known at the moment, but I am hoping to be home for Christmas. Whenever! When I come I will bring my food ration coupons with me, and I am looking forward to eating properly, and want to sleep and just enjoy myself.
You know, sometimes in the evenings before I fall asleep, I think about the lovely teas you prepared in the kitchen, all the wonderful bread, and the butter, and honey too. I am only now beginning to realize just how good we had it at home. I am also thinking with great appreciation on the “Ham-and-Eggs” you used to prepare, as well as the frequently prepared “pre-lunch”. You know, even if I was a pain in the neck to you at times, I never meant it, I was just being childish.
I must close now, as I have office duty to attend to , and everything needs to be ship-shape. Don’t forget me now, think about your Andi, and rest assured, that I am always with all of you in my thoughts.
with love from
your long-legged Andi
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
28th March, 1940. Rudolf, aged 14, is called up
28 March 1940
NSDAP Hitler Youth
Wien, Tuchlauben 1
Proclamation number 501
Dear Parents!
On the morning of 30 March 1940, hundreds of thousands of youths from the entire Reich who have reached the age of fourteen will join the ranks of German’s youth and will take part in an obligatory celebration, which will inaugurate them into the Hitler Youth. Most of them will in this year leave school and begin their working life, but the others too will have reached a turning point in their lives. They will be joining the ranks of those who direct their lives towards fighting for the communal life of the German people.
Your child will be there. He will wear the swastika arm band. He will discover the same camaraderie and kinship, and will be called up to the hard law of discipline and responsibility. Through his continuing personal dedication, he will prove that he has what is necessary to belong to the growth of the party, and the core of the Hitler Youth.
The job of educating the Hitler Youth can only be done with the full support of the parents. Therefore you also, as parents, have an obligation to participate in this duty, and in the calling up of your child. Therefore we also invite you to take part in the obligatory celebration. The day should also be marked within your family as a special day of celebration.
The majority of fourteen year olds will be engaged in the following units: transport, navy, air, communications, cavalry, sport, and patrol. The differing nature of these roles should prepare them for the lives that lie ahead of them. You and your child will appear on March 31, 1940 in the afternoon from 3 pm until 6pm, on the grounds of the Messepalast. You are warmly welcomed.
In this time where the entire German nation has been brought to decisive battle, your child will fulfill their role. This is only possible if we have your trust and complete support.
Heil Hitler!
Author of Proclamation 501
Karl Pfoser
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Parents and Politics
Before I write about the politics of the war as it came to my family in 1939, I should say a few words about my grandparents, who you see here in these photographs. On the left is my grandmother, in her WW1 nurse's uniform. She served as a nurse with the order of the Knights of Malta on the Italian front from 1914 to 1918. There, she met my grandfather, who at that time had recently graduated from medical school. They married in 1922; the photo on the right shows them on their wedding day. In a memoir, she wrote this about her arrival in the Alto Aldige of northern Italy:
We set up a small hospital and soon had plenty of work. The hospital was bombed by planes, which used both light and heavy ordinance. If a 30.5 mortar bomb was shot at us anywhere in the area, the lids on the cooking pots jumped and jangled; the patients screamed. There was much work during the offensive. Often three days and nights straight without any rest for us. But it was a time in which one gave one’s entire strength for our beloved Fatherland. We helped the poor wounded and dying not only with physical and medical support, but also tried to help them emotionally, and provide them with maternal care.
I spent that first Christmas on the front far from my parents and siblings. We received a number of wounded with terrible head injuries, screaming, confused, dying. It was a ghastly night. I found leg amputations a most terrible shock, and in this operation I had to assist. I had to hold the leg of the poor man, and then as it was dismembered, it fell heavily into my arms. I remember the first detatched eyeball, and the reproachful look it cast upon you. We nursed and helped to the best of our abilities in the operating room.
I think it would be a fair characterisation to say that after their war experiences together, my grandparents had a very good idea about what was coming when war was declared in September 1939. Neither of them was political. My grandfather, who at the outbreak of the war held an important post as chief surgeon in one of Vienna's largest hospitals, was relieved of this position and sent to a smaller provincial clinic. The reason for this remains unclear, but I know it was a blow to him and a bewildering development for the family, whose lives orbited the twin hubs of Vienna and their house in Bohemia.
As the war became a part of their lives, it is clear from my grandparents' correspondence that there was a sickening sense of anxiety about the future, not only for the immediate family but for their world.
No one shown on these pages was a member of the Nazi party. The boys were drafted into the army as reservists when their time came--all reservists were of course required in combat. Those who had a career as "regular" army (ie officers) found that being Nazi party members was required for their advancement--something that was clearly embraced by the many enthusiastic members of the Nazi party. But certainly within the circle of the family described here, this was not the case. The only reference I can find in the war letters that refers to their life in the military is described as "wearing the grey uniform". Leo died with the rank of Private, Andreas as a Reserve Lieutenant. Rudolf, also a Private when the war ended, only survived because the Americans holding him prisoner divided enlisted men and officers: enlisted men were delivered into the American zone and survived, Officers were handed over to the Russians in command of the Russian zone and were shot.
A few statistics: Total losses for the Axis on the Eastern Front exceeded 4 million, most of these dying in the last two years of the war, and 3/4 of these during the final phases of the campaign described here. The Russians lost more than 10 million--these numbers do not include civilians, but represent military losses only.
Friday, August 19, 2011
September 5, 1939; The childrens' loft in Passek
5 September 1939
Dear A
Many thanks for your long letter. I received a telegram on the 3rd from Gabrielle [her sister] to say she’d made it home. You will already have heard from her. What’s going on as far as cars are concerned? Here we are only allowed to use them for important business. One really has the impression that there is war. I went upstairs, and the children were listening to their jazz music, and are laughing at me because I am saying there is to be a war. “It’s nothing but a little trip to Poland” is their take on it. Then I hear absolutely nothing upstairs. It’s a shocking, disturbing time, and the quiet upstairs is as difficult to bear as if they were making a racket. It’s weighing heavily on me now.
Then tom-foolery, smoking and loud music. Leo [16] has announced that he should be permitted to smoke 15 cigarettes per day. He looks absolutely green, and takes it for granted that he should be permitted this. It’s been a difficult few days with the children. They sit around upstairs and listen to the radio and music. Then they won’t get up in the morning. Ping pong and hanging around doing nothing. They will do chores if Forester Grund makes them, but to do anything without being asked?? Well, Rudolf yes, but the older boys not a chance. On Sunday Rudolf went with Grund to go partridge shooting. The others didn’t know what to do with themselves. Leo acted mortally wounded when I suggested he go out and work with the forester, and wanted to know if he’d be paid? “The forester gets paid” he said. “That’s something else entirely” I answered. “Then this is coersion” was his response.
I am aware that everyone is nervous, everyone is on edge. The air seems to be crackling with it. But if the boys won’t obey and just give me their blasé attitude, loafing around with a truly unnecessary air of entitlement. I shall send one to the dairy farm and one to Herr Pohl. In Passek, under this roof, they shall never have the feeling that life is just a holiday and they are the VIP guests. Doing nothing is particularly bad for Leo’s nerves. I can’t get him to even look into a book, and now with all this talk of war I have even less chance. Even the dogs’ teeth are on edge. Did I tell you that Bonzo had a go at Murka? Then lifted his leg on the stair to show his disdain.
Andreas has been once in the evening with Forester Grund to practice with the local air raid group. Leo caught 19 trout on Friday.
I went yesterday with Edina to Reichenberg. Today she went back to the dairy farm. She will stay there. We bought her a bicycle with the money her grandmother left her. She went happily off to the farm to work, and in any case it is better for her to be there than sitting around with the boys. She could work here of course, helping out in the garden or kitchen, but she seems happier away from us at the moment, and she has many friends on the farm. She gets on very well with Frau Johne. They love her there and she works very hard, which I unfortunately can’t say for the boys.
Impossible to make proper plans at the moment, with all this going on. We must do something with the boys, but one doesn’t know what, especially as it is uncertain whether or not schools will actually open as usual. Perhaps they should go to school in Reichenberg, rather than Vienna? I think there is only a little school. We must wait and see.
How much I would like to have you here. There is so much to discuss. I would love to know what you make of all this.
Father, I am sending you so much affection, 1000x my love
The sister, Edina: 19th May 1943
My dear ones
Thank you for writing for my birthday. My God, it’s clear that it’s not the birthday I’d have wished for. Everyone has their cross to bear. You’d probably rather be sitting around in Passek, like Rudi? Instead of playing at war and letting yourselves be ordered around?
For our birthday Leo I’d like to have a wonderful party instead of sitting around here twiddling my thumbs. This is my dream birthday: in the morning we’d all go riding in the Prater and have a most delicious time, all over wherever our whim takes us--no irritating person along to watch over us. That would be a super start to the day. We’d be riding, all bright eyed and bushy tailed, into our 21st year, Leo. Then when we got home, Marie [one of the cooks] would have laid out a fabulous breakfast for us in the garden, where all the flowers would be blooming, and smelling sweet, and the sun just shining down on us. Freshly ground coffee, soft boiled eggs, freshly sliced ham, fresh rolls, jam, just like breakfasts that time we went hunting in Poland with the Scarbeks. Wouldn’t that be something? Then afterwards the most delicious cigarettes, as many as we like. Then during the day everyone would do whatever they wanted, and later in the evening we’d have a glorious reunion party.
Those were the days...I can hardly stop myself thinking about them. It almost feels as though I am together with you now, and we are chatting together, just like old times. Up in the loft in Passek, sitting on the red checked cushions of the chairs up there, everyone just lolling about and passing the time. Rudi would have Hexi [the dog] on his lap--or perhaps by this time a girl??--Leo would have his pipe. Idyllic. Sometimes it feels as though I live only in my imagination, in my dreams instead of reality. It’s a trick I have learned, to make things bearable, and can imagine the most wonderful times we had together. It’s cheap, and doesn’t get you in trouble! We had the most glorious childhood.
As you can tell, I’ve been better. I can’t wait to get back to Passek--I haven’t been there in ages. Lotschi, when are you getting leave? Surely in summer? Before you have to go to Berlin? I do hope I won’t be alone there, being together would be a thousand times more lovely. I was so disappointed to hear that Rudi is taking his holiday now instead of in summer, which I can understand. And Andi, sitting right in the middle of everything now, you won’t have any chance of getting home before autumn.
Mami is constantly sending me news about this and that, whether Uncle Josy is to be drafted, or whether the cook has a headache, and that the dining chairs finally have new upholstery. All types of news, both important and inconsequential, a weekly news bulletin which I enjoy for its prattle. If only the good woman could learn how to use a typewriter, she could make duplicates and only write once, as I am doing for you.
I am sending you all my love and hugs and kisses, and wish you Godspeed and am crossing my fingers too, your loving sister
Meeting the letter writers
The German war cemetery in Honcharne, near Sevastopol
Thursday, August 18, 2011
The letter that gives the blog its name: 8th November 1943
8 November 1943
Dear Leo
I’m sitting here at home for a few hours leave, and my thoughts are with this coming Christmas--what will happen and what it will be like. Will we all be together? As you know, Andi is in Paris with his company until the holiday. That boy has luck like no other. Naturally he’s getting leave at Christmas, Edina too, and so am I, I hope. And as for you? It’s high time you were allowed home, don’t you think?
I suppose you’ve heard that good old Oberhummer has gone to the other side. With him, a big part of our childhood has died too. We will no longer see him puttering around in the garden. It is as though everything from our youth is dying away. Leaves are falling everywhere, and winter is here. Oberhummer was always for me an ancient relic, somehow secretive and not quite of this world. We often discussed what it would be like to actually die. He would grin broadly at me like a good natured troll, a smile that I can see vividly as if it were yesterday.
It makes me see clearly how we are getting older. Time is running away from us like sand through an hourglass. So fine, that you don’t even notice is slipping away, and yet it is always disappearing. Our parents are getting older and are getting grey hair and need our help more and more. In time they will put their destinies, with everything that they have and are, into our own hands. For us to protect. And we will look after them with great joy and pride, because we will want to do for them what they did for us. This is tied to the sorrowful realisation that the beautiful world we inhabited as children is no more.
But one thing we have from this time: the glorious memories of our enchanted youth. No one will be able to rob us of this, even if times become even worse than they are now.
Please excuse these ramblings--they are errant thoughts escaped! I was just letting my pen dance across the page, as it wished.
See you soon at Christmas!
Your brother,
Where to start?
The research is varied. Some days I sit and translate the letters, one by one, fine tuning my inner ear to hear and differentiate the voices of family members I never met. This is the easy part (unless the handwriting is a challenge--more on that in another post), and one of the most enjoyable.
Digging in the basement, 2009
In 2009 my mother was very ill, and I spent a good deal of time in my childhood home. One afternoon I went down to the basement to do some clearing out, and came upon some boxes of letters from my father's family.