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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Andreas writes for the first time from training camp 19 October 1941

Andreas was drafted into a reservist unit on the 1st of October 1941. His training area was in Frankstadt, in Moravia, now in the eastern part of the Czech Republic. As the eldest, he was the first to go.

This is the first of his letters. Interestingly, it has not been written to the family, but to the beloved nanny and later cook, Marie. Marie came to the family as a young teenager from the agricultural and wine country north of Vienna, just in time for Andreas' birth. She was famously afraid of answering the telephone when she first encountered one. This letter contains the first mention of a theme which arises again and again in the letters of the siblings: they were viewing their happy and well-fed childhoods with much appreciation. I can't help feeling that in writing to ask forgiveness for childish misbehaviour, he is anticipating a time when it would be good to know he had put everything to rights. There is also, I think, a touch of homesickness in the final lines.

19 October 1941


Dear Marie

Firstly 1000 thanks for your lovely letter, which gave me great pleasure to receive. Please accept my apologies for not answering you until now, but other than Saturdays and Sundays I have no time to write.

You will be able to imagine just how much I appreciate every package sent to me. I especially enjoyed the condensed milk, which I am consuming in tiny amounts to prolong the experience. It’s just occurred to me, that in my hurry to depart I completely forgot the acacia honey. I will appreciate it all the more when I come home on leave. When that will be is not known at the moment, but I am hoping to be home for Christmas. Whenever! When I come I will bring my food ration coupons with me, and I am looking forward to eating properly, and want to sleep and just enjoy myself.

You know, sometimes in the evenings before I fall asleep, I think about the lovely teas you prepared in the kitchen, all the wonderful bread, and the butter, and honey too. I am only now beginning to realize just how good we had it at home. I am also thinking with great appreciation on the “Ham-and-Eggs” you used to prepare, as well as the frequently prepared “pre-lunch”. You know, even if I was a pain in the neck to you at times, I never meant it, I was just being childish.

I must close now, as I have office duty to attend to , and everything needs to be ship-shape. Don’t forget me now, think about your Andi, and rest assured, that I am always with all of you in my thoughts.

with love from

your long-legged Andi